Weird Money Stories and My Quest to Improve

Most of us have weird money stories and sometimes they really don’t make much sense.

So what’s my weird money story?

My Weird Money Story

I often worry more about little expenditures than big ones. I fret about buying a Kindle book for $9 more than I do about a trip to Cuba for $3,000! (Yes, we are going to Cuba over Christmas.)

These strange, counter-intuitive ways with money are quite common. I see them in my friends.

Some of my friends are so poor that they sometimes don’t have enough money for food by the end of each month. And I have some friends who give away millions of dollars.

The strange thing is that while some of my poor friends pinch every penny, some of them don’t. They just know how to manage with and without money. They know where the food banks are and they have people they can ask for help.

And some of my wealthier friends pinch pennies in ways that surprise me. In fact, one of my friends told me that no matter how much he has, he is always worried about not having enough.

Weird, right?

Marie Forleo’s Weird Money Habits

Because I don’t think I have a healthy relationship with money (yet), I’m always on the lookout for suggestions or tips.

A couple of weeks ago, Marie Forleo shared her two “Weird Money Habits.”  I liked them, so I’ll share them with you.

Habit 1: Never turn away from honest money.

This can even include picking up a single penny on the sidewalk. As Marie states in her post, it’s about being present and aware and never too good to turn away the “small blessings” that the universe provides.

Habit 2: Keep your money neat and tidy.

Marie talks about keeping her physical money well organized, with all the bills facing the same direction and grouped consecutively. Marie likens this to a respect for both money and for herself.

Giving Marie’s Money Habits a Try

Marie’s habits seem a bit silly on the surface, but I think they have deeper and more powerful meaning.  Again and again, I turn away honest, well-earned money — not pennies on the street. I pick them up every time. But I give away services when people would be happy to pay for them. That’s turning away from honest money. (You may notice that it’s my weird money story repeated — picking up pennies and leaving big dollars on the table.)

And while my financial affairs aren’t a disaster, they are not nice and tidy. I don’t look at them carefully or with the same attention that I bring to much of the rest of my life.  I wonder what would happen if I organized my financial affairs precisely, setting goals, tracking results and celebrating successes. Perhaps I’d stop turning away from honest money!

So, for the moment, I’m turning my attention from 1% improvement every day, to building these two little habits. They might just help me turn the money corner.

What are your weird money stories? Are there ways you’d like to change your relationship with money?

TryTry ThisThis

Share Your Weird Money Story

Stop for a minute and think carefully about your relationship with money. What’s weird about it? I’m sure there’s something! Then, when you next have a conversation with a close friend, broach the subject and share your money weirdness. You may be surprised at the weird money story they share back.

Share your thoughts about money below, or come on over to Facebook and leave your comment there.