You feel special when you’re an insider.
Knowing information before it’s made public or being in on a secret makes you feel like you belong to a select group.
When you’re “in the know” you feel important.
But that sense of importance and pride isn’t all that being an insider entails.
Being Part of a Special Club
When a small group of people have privileged information they are all drawn together into a group. Each of them has been selected to be part of the “in the know” club.
You may know what it feels like to be an insider.
Perhaps you’ve felt that feeling of pride you get when someone has shared with you something special that others don’t yet know.
Or maybe you feel special because you belong to the airline club and use their fancy airport lounge while you wait for your plane.
When you understand the power of inside information to make people feel special, you can use it as a force for good.
Making Others Part of a Special Club
My friend, Jenny, just learned on the QT that her organization is going to be awarded a very large, prestigious grant. It won’t be announced for two weeks.
Between now and then Jenny has a great opportunity to use the power of inside information.
She can call some of her most important board members and donors to let them know quietly that it looks as though the grant is going to come through. In fact, she can tell each of them that she’s only telling a few of her most important people. She will, of course, ask them not to spread the information.
By calling a few of them to let them know about the grant before the information becomes public, Jenny can make those people feel special.
They’ll be happy that Jenny thought to tell them. They’ll know that they’re important enough to get her call. They will feel like part of a privileged group. And finally, when the information becomes public, they’ll sit back and smile because they already knew!
All of this will draw them closer to Jenny and her organization and make them feel more committed.
There’s great power in sharing inside information strategically. When you have some early information you can share, don’t let that opportunity go to waste.

Share a bit of Inside Information With Someone Today
Every time you hatch a plan that involves a group, you have inside information to share. Rather than just emailing the entire group, tell one or two of them what you’re planning to do before you enlist the rest.
You’ll have shared some privileged information. By doing that, you’ll make the people you share your plans with feel like insiders — like part of your special group. And that’s good for them and for you.
Have you ever used inside information as a force for good? If so, how? Please let me know in the comments.
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