I just got back from 11 days in Milan, Italy.
11 days away from the U.S. news.
11 days away from my computer.
11 days just to wander in a new city.
11 days to clear my mind.
Here is a lesson I learned over those eleven days that you may find helpful too.
Set a Destination and Wander
Wandering without a destination in mind feels aimless quickly. And feeling aimless soon leads to a sense of ennui. It’s hard to maintain the excitement and curiosity when you have no idea where you are going.
And following a herd of people, led by a tour guide, can be deadening as well. The thrill of exploration is usurped by the ho-hum of being led and lectured to.
But when you set a destination and give yourself permission to get lost along the way, you’ll find that wonderful blend of being purposeful and being an adventurer.
When you finally arrive at your destination, you’ll be proud and excited that you explored unlikely detours, found your way, and … yes, you arrived. You have reason to celebrate!
On our trip, we celebrated our arrivals with ample glasses of Italian prossecco!
How That Works in Life
You have a choice in life too.
- You can wander aimlessly and hope something good comes along.
- You can find a safe job in a big company and be told what to do by your boss.
Or, you can set a destination and head toward it without a perfect road map. You may get lost and take detours. You may feel anxious and excited.
Eventually, if you give yourself permission to find your way toward your destination, you’re likely to get there — having learned a huge amount along the way.
And you’ll have reason to celebrate when you arrive.
A New Destination For Me
Eleven days of intentional wandering freed my mind up to think about what’s ahead in my life. I’m not ready to share it with you yet, but I will tell you that I have crafted a new destination that may take me some years to reach. And the simple act of setting a new destination is reshaping the way I do my work every day.
Stay tuned over the next few months to learn more about what’s ahead for me.
But while you’re waiting with bated breath, take some time to really think about what’s ahead for you. Have you set a destination? Will you allow yourself to wander along the way?

Consider: What’s Your Next Destination?
Perhaps you’re traveling and your destination will be a new place in a new city. Or a new hike in a national park. Or perhaps you’re ready to think about a new destination — a new chapter — in your life.
Think this week about whether you’re ready or willing to explore new ground with a specific destination in mind. Will you allow yourself to wander and get lost before you arrive?
Share your destination in the comments below. Or, navigate your way over to Facebook and share your dreams there.
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