Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall

As you may know, I'm super frustrated by my propensity to leave things unfinished. In last week's post, I came up with several ways to get things 100% done. But I left out the one strategy that has now gotten under my skin, and solidly planted itself in my brain. That's the strategy of simply getting stuff out without worrying whether it's done. You throw stuff against the wall to see if it's done, and cook it some more if it's not. Spaghetti on the Wall Years ago, … [Read more...]

Yes You Can! Learning to Say “Wow!” instead of “Whoa”

Do your inner voices ever hold you back? Imagine this: A new potential client just called to ask you to submit a proposal for a big job. Great possibilities here. You're the perfect person for the task! You're excited. But then in an eye blink, your "Whoa" voice takes over. Whoa. Whoa. What makes you think you’re qualified to do that? Even though you have a lot of related experience, you’ve never done exactly that before. In fact, pretty much everything you’ve … [Read more...]