Make a Big Difference With a Little Word

I love it when people say "Yes and…" Not so much when they say "Yes but…" "Yes and…" expands possibilities.  The word and shapes a conversation in which one person expands on what the other says.  "Yes but…" limits it. A Simple Strategy for Saying "No" But when you use the word but with "No," it's a different story. "No but..." opens possibilities rather than shutting them down. Think about these sentences: No, I don't want to do that, but is there another … [Read more...]

Getting to “Yes” with Intentional Conversation

Imagine this... You've come home after a long, wearying day at work. You know there’s not much in the fridge, you don’t have the time or energy to stop at the store, and you really don’t much feel like cooking. Your partner’s not home yet, but you know she’s expecting a meal because it’s your night to cook. What’s the best way to get your partner to agree to go out to dinner with you instead of eating at home? Here are two approaches you might use when you speak with … [Read more...]